Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Using blogs to expand the classroom

I teach eighth grade physical education at a middle school in Renton, Washington.  Although I am a complete novice to blogging, I feel confident enough to use this technology as a way to enhance my classes and expand the borders of the classroom.  Being a physical education teacher, I am constantly encouraging students to continue or become physically active outside of school.  The world we live in today has blessed us with tons of new and exciting forms of technology to make things easier or entertaining for us.  However, it has also made us lazier and sadly lazy does not equal healthy.  I would have my students showcase their outside school activities and use the blogging sites as a way for them to share their achievements with their classmates and myself.  I can post weekend goals/activities for the students to accomplish over the days off and they could respond before we see each other on Monday.  Another great time to make use of the blogging sites is during the extended breaks.  I generally see setbacks in students' fitness levels after breaks; holidays, large meals, vacations, tend to lead to less exercise.  I could post motivating messages, even if they are just reminders to get an hour of physical active everyday!


  1. When having students post comments, make sure you get to approve them first. In eighth grade, students can be sensitive as to their physical appearence and it would hurt them if other students make rude comments. I think the use of a blog to keep track of activities is a good idea. Could you expand on it and have students create activity lessons that could be used in the classroom? This way the students take an active role in their learning?

  2. Response to jennifer81ca

    Absolutely I will make sure to approve of the comments before students share/submit. I could have the students post exercise routines for at home or in class. I all ready have my fitness classes creating their own personal workout routines, so this could be a great way to have them share their plans with each other and to feed off of each other’s ideas. They have the opportunity to perform these workouts on given days in class, so they can put them into use. Great way to connect the blog to the classroom, thank you for the jump start!

  3. You could also have links an online exercise tracker and meal tracker that the students must go to daily to enter their workouts and meals. This will show them their calories burned. They can also be used set fitness goals. Several that I have used are and There are also several free apps for iphone and android that could be used. They would then comment on their results daily. Middle schools are usually fairly competitive so this may turn into a class competition.

    By the way, I love your background.
